Sensitrust releases the Beta version of its advanced job marketplace

Sensitrust, a UK startup working in the Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence (AI) sector,has just released the beta version of its job marketplace, which will exploit the most advanced IT technologies to effectively connect customers and professionals, empowering them to make deals and develop new projects.
The long-term objective is to solve the problems plaguing the conventional job market, including simplifying bureaucratic procedures, verifying and certifying the professionals’ curricula, and validating the result of an activity. These issues have been further exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, during which several workers lost their jobs. Sensitrust will offer a decentralized job marketplace where all the activities are performed in a smart working environment, supported by blockchain and AI.
In the beta version of the platform, available at, users can play as a customer, professional, or auditor, and explore the potential of the platform as well as its interaction with the blockchain. Note: Since it is a Proof of Concept of the final result, the payment for activities and the token balance are simulated, and users may encounter possible bugs during the interaction.
Sensitrust will enable organizations and professionals to connect in a transparent manner. Professionals can post the activities they can perform, in different variants (packages) and multiple languages, can accept multiple payment methods, and enable specific smart contracts to support multiple functionalities. On the other hand, customers can browse the catalogue to select the best professional for their needs, supported by the history of past experiences of such professionals stored on the blockchain. In particular, through the adoption of custom smart contracts, the blockchain stores the track record of the performance of each professional in a transparent and tamper-proof way, making their expertise easily verifiable! Moreover, the whole workflow is also supervised by one or more auditors (in the future, also based on AI), who make external independent judgements on the activities performed by the professional, making his/her track record even more reliable.
The next steps in the roadmap include seeking funding and establishing partnerships to further develop the platform and introduce exciting advanced features in the job marketplace. Additional efforts will be put towards introducing additional use cases for the SETS token, as well as towards marketing activities to increase the awareness of the project.
Media Contact
Organization: Sensitrust LTD
Contact Person: Gianvito Pio
Address 1: 24 Tax Suite 137 B Westlink House 981 Great West Road, Brentford, United Kingdom
City: London
Country: United Kingdom
Release Id: 0803232718