ALL Trial Lawyers’ Mo Abuershaid Offers In-Depth Insights on Juvenile Dependency Cases in Orange County

Esteemed CPS Lawyer and Juvenile Dependency Attorney Mo Abuershaid gives in-depth insights on juvenile dependency cases in Orange County.
Accusations of child abuse and neglect may result in Orange County and other California locations initiating legal proceedings through juvenile dependency court. Mo Abuershaid, the founding partner of ALL Trial Lawyers, handles juvenile dependency cases and offers services of in-depth insights in Orange County. The firm fights for children and their families and offers services to reach that goal which can vary depending on the severity of the allegations against the parents.
A juvenile dependency case, also known as a child protective services (CPS) case, is a legal proceeding in which social workers and county counsel (on behalf of the County) file a petition with the court to remove a child from their home due to allegations of abuse or neglect. The child may be placed in foster care if the court finds sufficient evidence of abuse or neglect.
California Welfare and Institutions Code §300 allows social workers and the County to take a child into protective custody if there is a substantial risk of physical harm, mental harm, neglect, or sexual abuse.
Additionally, a court can take a child into protective custody if their basic needs are not being met. If the County believes a child is at risk of being harmed, they can file a petition with the juvenile dependency court.
If authorities such as police officers or social workers receive information about child abuse or neglect allegations, they will investigate the claims. If they find enough evidence to support the allegations, they may file a petition with the juvenile court.
This petition will request that the court place the child in protective custody. The judge will make the determinations based on the evidence and on what is in the child’s best interests. In some cases, the child may be placed with a relative or foster care. In other cases, the child may remain in the home but be placed under the supervision of the county welfare department and social services.
Juvenile Dependency cases and CPS cases can typically last anywhere between 6 months – 18 months. The facts of the case and how cooperative the parents are will be huge factors.
In addition, Allegations of child abuse or neglect can lead to criminal charges. If the State of California believes that a child has been abused or neglected, they may file criminal charges against the alleged abuser. Child abuse can be a Felony or Misdemeanor charge, depending on the severity of the allegations. A conviction can lead to prison time, hefty fines, and required classes. Your criminal case could impact your juvenile dependency case as well.
About Attorney Mo Abuershaid:
Attorney Mo Abuershaid is the founding partner of ALL Trial Lawyers. He is the lead attorney handling the firm’s juvenile dependency practice (CPS defense). Attorney Abuershaid has counseled and represented hundreds of parents against Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS), Child Protective Services (CPS), and other social service agency investigations. Attorney Abuershaid has zealously fought for and protected parents in juvenile dependency cases throughout California including in the counties of Orange County, Los Angeles County, San Diego County, Riverside County, and San Bernardino County.
Mohammad Abuershaid is equipped to handle juvenile dependency cases of all severities, including allegations of failure to protect, severe physical abuse, general neglect or negligence, positive toxicology results in infants, sexual abuse, fractures or broken bones, trauma, and head injuries. In addition, Attorney Mo Abuershaid and his team are committed to justice.
Media Contact
Organization: Abuershaid Law, APC
Contact Person: Mo Abuershaid
City: Orange County
State: California
Country: United States
Release Id: 2005233557