Altibase Releases ALTIBASE V7.3, Delivering a New Dimension of Performance and Convenience for Mission Criticals

Seoul, Korea South, 9th Nov 2023, King NewsWire – ALTIBASE V7.3: Mission-Critical Succeed
Altibase announced the release of ‘ALTIBASE V7.3’ in September, 2023. ALTIBASE V7.3 is their new product that embodies Altibase’s expertise and technology accumulated over 25 years in the DBMS market.
In 2023, Altibase has reached to deploy over 8,000 references from more than 700 enterprise clients, including 22 Fortune Global 500 companies. Altibase has been providing its DBMS services to various clients, including the Daegu Metropolitan Government Integrated Data Center’s DBMS selection and the KakaoPay Securities project in South Korea. Internationally, Altibase has served a wide range of clients, including AT&T, TELUS, and disaster network networks in the United States and Canada.
With the release of ALTIBASE V7.3, Altibase introduced the new company slogan “Next, True, Real Time. -ALTIBASE-” and expressed confidence in being a leading player in the next generation high performance RDBMS market.
ALTIBASE V7.3, with its new product slogan “Mission-Critical Succeed,” provides in-memory DBMS technology to help companies handle mission-critical tasks, enabling them to rapidly adapt to the trend of IT technology and service market.
Mrs. Park, CEO of Altibase, introduced the new product by stating, “Over the past 25 years, Altibase has accommodated the demands of the global market with various experiences and open-source products, and now has returned with the commercial version, ALTIBASE V7.3. We expect it to be a powerful DBMS for customers and clients to easily and quickly process the rapidly increasing data in areas such as big data, IoTs, and artificial intelligence.
In addition, Dr. Seo, CTO of Altibase, emphasized, “ALTIBASE V7.3 is a product optimized for the cloud environment, supports the latest technology, and enables seamless migration from other DBMS products. By improving transaction commit methods and eliminating logging bottlenecks, ALTIBASE V7.3 has achieved a significant performance improvement, with up to ‘approximately 490%’ better performance compared to previous versions.”
Media Contact
Organization: Altibase Corp.
Contact Person: Richard S Nahm
Contact Number: +82220821129
City: Seoul
Country: Korea South
Release Id: 0911237611