Ayngaran Foundation implementing veda education methoed for new generations

Ayngaran Foundation is a spiritual non-profit organization based in Palani, founder of sasi Krishnasamy and chairman of Vince Thomas located at Tamil Nadu, that aims to promote a new and better way of life for everyone in the world based on the divine plan for humanity. One of its main activities is education, which it provides to poor children up to elementary level. The foundation believes that education is the primary source for children to keep their life in a safe way and to overcome poverty, illiteracy and unemployment. The foundation also supports Vedic education, which is the core foundation of India’s culture and heritage. The goal of Vedic education is to promote harmonious development of the individual and society
Dindigul, Tamilnadu, India, 27th Apr 2023, King NewsWire – Ayngaran Foundation is a spiritual non-profit organization based in Palani, Tamil Nadu, India. It was founded by Mr. Sasi Krishnasamy and Mr. Vince Thomas with the vision of establishing a new and better way of life for everyone in the world based on the fulfillment of the divine plan for humanity
One of the main activities of Ayngaran Foundation is to promote Veda education, which is the core foundation of India’s culture and rich heritage. Veda education is the study of the ancient scriptures that contain the wisdom and knowledge of the sages and seers who realized the ultimate truth of existence.
The goal of Veda education is to promote harmonious development of the individual and society by imparting the values and principles of dharma, which is the righteous way of living in harmony with oneself, others, nature and God. Veda education also aims to foster spiritual awareness and self-realization by teaching various methods of meditation, yoga, mantra chanting and rituals that help to calm the mind and connect with the soul.
Ayngaran Foundation has established a meditation center called Veda Bodhivanam, which means “the forest of Vedic wisdom”, where people can learn and practice Veda education in a serene and natural environment. The center offers various courses, workshops and retreats on Vedic topics such as Vedanta, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Puranas, Agamas, etc. The center also provides accommodation and food for the participants and volunteers who wish to support the project.
Ayngaran Foundation believes that Veda education is not only relevant but essential for the modern world, as it can help to solve many of the problems and challenges that humanity faces today. By learning and applying the Vedic teachings, one can achieve peace, happiness, prosperity, health, harmony and enlightenment in this life and beyond
Media Contact
Organization: Veda Bodhi Vanam
Contact Person: Gokila sasikrishna
Website: https://www.ganeshchaturthi.org.in
Email: info@ganeshchaturthi.org.in
Address: Tamil nagar obulapuram
Address 2: Ayakudi palani
City: Dindigul
State: Tamilnadu
Country: India
Release Id: 2704233275