BluePear Highlights the Critical Importance of Brand Protection in Today’s Market

It is recommended to use a special Bluepear tool and get continuous 24/7 protection, this is modern AI-based software that works automatically and collects statistics. You can use this data in court as evidence. We will talk further about the importance of protecting your trademark.
United States, 15th Jul 2024 – Companies spend a lot of effort and money in order to create an original brand and bring its individuality to perfection. The result is the recognition of the trademark and its relevance among various segments of society. If the product itself is first-class, then customers begin to associate your brand with high quality and prestige. The global fame of the brand brings great dividends, but unfortunately, scammers, competitors and even partners are trying to take advantage of this.

Such illegal activity damages the brand’s reputation, which can lead to a drop in your company’s profits. To reduce the damage from the actions of counterfeiters, you can try fighting in manual mode, but it is ineffective. It is recommended to use a special Bluepear tool and get continuous 24/7 protection, this is modern AI-based software that works automatically and collects statistics. You can use this data in court as evidence. We will talk further about the importance of protecting your trademark.
Definition and Some Statistics
If we take the most famous brand and conduct a simple experiment, it turns out that even such titans of the industry have a lot of fakes. A simple search on the Internet will show that even large companies have problems with intellectual property protection, despite all the measures taken. So, let’s give a definition. Online brand protection is a set of measures aimed at achieving the integrity and inviolability of the trademark on the Internet, as well as collecting information about unauthorized use of IP objects.
According to, brand piracy has become widespread. Statistics show that the market volume of counterfeit products on the web is estimated at over $4.2 trillion by 2024. This suggests that every establishment should fight against encroachment on their brand, as it is considered one of the most important assets of the company. Brand protection is often understood as a strategy that is used to counteract detractors.
Globalization and Social Media
The expansion of digital marketing has provided many opportunities. Digital commerce has become international due to the expansion of the network and the increase in Internet speed. At the same time, the risks have increased and cyber attacks have become more frequent. World-renowned brands suffer the most. The total global losses of companies from online scams is more than 0.5 trillion dollars.
Social media has provided many opportunities for advertising and brand development, but along with marketing capabilities, there have been possibilities for fraud and dishonest activities. Most often, you will encounter the following problems: imitation, advertising with negative overtones, misinformation, ridiculing the product. In addition, attackers can use your developments and advertising moves for their own purposes, which can lead to reputational losses. Nevertheless, companies cannot afford to leave social media, as most users now receive information on such sites.
Technologies of Brand Abuse
Imitation of the brand has ceased to be approximate, conditional. Thanks to modern technologies (using AI, deepfake, etc.), scammers create fakes of the highest quality, and customers do not see the difference between the original and the surrogate. It is not enough to detect dishonest actions, you also need to ensure that the fake is removed from the site at the request of the copyright owner. This may take a long time. Counterfeit content can be created not manually, but with the help of artificial intelligence.
Counterfeiters can act in their own interests, or they can purposefully act against your company at the request of competitors. The following actions have become more frequent: cybersquatting, brandjacking, phishing. In addition, SEO manipulations are becoming more frequent: articles on your products appear on the web, but giving someone else’s ads and links to other people’s sites. Hackers can attack your websites, social media pages, send spam, create fake domains and much more.
Brand Protection in Search Marketing
You can cope with many of the above problems thanks to round-the-clock web scanning tools, such as Bluepear. Using AI-based software, you can minimize the likelihood of brand bidding and get more traffic through the affiliate program. In addition, you will be able to catch your partners in dishonest activities and demand compensation from them. As a conclusion, we can say the following: every brand nowadays requires constant protection. Get a free trial on the Bluepear website and rate the results. You will be able to uncover even complex fraudulent schemes with a minimum of effort, receiving real-time alerts. At last, to get started right now, you need to complete a quick registration and accept the terms of the agreement with BP, this does not take much time.
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