British Socialite Comes To Turkey For ‘Teeth Tourism’

Muratpasa, Antalya, Turkey, 31st Dec 2022 – One of the forces in health tourism success is Turkey dental health services. The interest of the British jet society in Turkey, which stands out in this field especially from the point of view of European countries, is very great. Although there are prominent studies on aesthetic issues, especially hair transplant, in nearby geographies, especially in Europe, there are also silent forces of health tourism. The increasing demand for oral and dental health and aesthetics in Turkey is deepening every year. So much so that it is estimated that dental tourism provides a third of the income in general health tourism.
With an increasing number of people it is predicted that health tourism will grow by close to 25 percent every year in the world. The budget allocated by the European Union countries for oral and dental health is 75 billion dollars. It is estimated that 1.5 million health tourists come to Turkey, 25 percent of which are for teeth. It is estimated that the income from Turkey health tourism exceeds 5 billion dollars. It seems that a patient leaves an income at the level of 10 thousand dollars with all travel expenses. Turkey iHealth, “The talent of Turkish physicians, the use of the latest technology, the flight network to many countries are rapidly bringing Turkey to the fore. We are already far ahead of Europe in health services, not even a comparison can be made on the dental side.” was said.
Media Contact
Organization: Turkey iHealth, Foreigner Medical Services
Contact Person: Correspondent IHA
City: Muratpasa
State: Antalya
Country: Turkey