Devils Vs Angels — Gaming Innovation platform

Lugano, Switzerland, 13th Aug 2022, DEVILS VERSUS ANGELS, is a quite versatile Crypto Art project, which will also become the gasoline and the fundamental pillar of the Play To Earn game.
Do you want to earn playing games? Now it is possible to do it even if you are not a gaming pro who lives by it. But even if you don’t like playing games, welcome to the new world of high-return investing.
DVSA Cards are living forever on the Polygon Blockchain. A 6666 unique collectible “Rarity” with proof of ownership and authentication can be claimed and traded as NFT (non-fungible tokens).
This is, in our opinion, the best and safest way in which the most careful investors and players continue to accumulate altcoins, NFT’s and in-game assets.
NFT games allow you to earn rewards in the form of crypto but, more, you’ve the chance to trade digital assets, earn new assets without investing money but playing your cards right or simply holding digital assets by focusing on scarcity and growth in value.
Yes, because the NFTs you own are unique and are exclusively yours and will remain yours in total safety whatever happens, as long as you keep your crypto wallet securely.
We saw at the start of this new digital age that early NFTs were not the height of beauty or sophistication.
Today, however, the accuracy of the design, the project and the ecosystem, as well as the beauty of the individual tokens have become the real discriminating factor.
It is not possible to identify which of the various NFT projects will become a millionaire One and make the fortune of the owners of each single NFT but we know for sure that there will be many, as many are those who have become so in recent months and in a very short time.
Furthermore, we can confidently say that DVSA are a beautiful project and with even greater certainty that they are beautiful. You can see the hand of a professional designer, maybe Italian, behind this artistic project and who knows, maybe in the future we will discover some more details.
The team is really active and well organized from what we haven on the net on twitter and on many other networks also in this field. The next step is the minting day on September 19th. That’s a Project to be followed carefully.
Media Contact
Organization: Quinto tech
Contact Person: Devon Anderson
Email: Send Email
City: Lugano
Country: Switzerland