Diligent Angel — The Only Billion Dollar Art Pieces Ever
Diligent Angel is the first photograph in the I Met Jesus Collection and has the Earth Unlimited Crown Tag – used to denote the foremost centerpiece in an artist’s works.
[Photographed By James Dennis]
Diligent Angel is a single in the house’s illustrious catalog of fine photographs, many images priced at over 13 figures. It is the only image yet to be revealed to the public and is currently the primary image of the entire corpus of RISING STAR pieces.
RISING STAR is well-known for having the only billion dollar art pieces in history, a collection which includes thousands of individual pieces. The Diligent Angels Collection includes 3 additional paintings, alongside 7 poems.
The Diligent Angel piece will remain a keystone of the house’s entire catalog. Highly sought after by many collectors, the piece is located in the Big Apple and available for viewing and sale.
RISING STAR has several pieces on its website available, but Diligent Angel is available only in physical first person viewing. See other pieces at www.risingstar.live.
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*Titles for artworks are generally confined to one syntax***When mentioning the entire collection, Diligent Angels is plural, while an individual piece is [generally singular].
[Diligent Angel] [Diligent Angels]
Copyright Notice:
Earthling Unlimited Extensive Files (Unlimited Coin, Unlimited Token, Ultra Token, Ultra Coin, Unlimited, Ultra, Super Token, EUXE, Buy-It-Now, WorldMasterClass Files, WMX, WMEI, Quadrillion Coin, XEUIndex, BXI, ZNY, EUX and other softwares and their functions) including RISING STAR word creations and any other collections [such as I Met Jesus] are all protected under the copyright laws of the U.S. and international copyright laws through means of the WIPO, Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) and the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works. Reproduction, copying of any sort or distribution without expressed, written permission of Earth, Earthling and RISING STAR is strictly prohibited.
Media Contact
Organization: RISING STAR
Contact Person: RISING STAR Press & Support
Email: support@risingstar.live
Website: https://www.risingstar.live
Address 1: Manhattan New York 10013
Country: United States