Exclusive Interview: Mrs. 50 Cent

Mrs. 50 Cent is a former MTV journalist and licensed psychotherapist with clients in the Department of Defense, celebrities and civilians.

Mrs. 50 Cent is a former MTV journalist and licensed psychotherapist with clients in the Department of Defense, celebrities and civilians.
We interviewed Mrs. 50 Cent to ask the following questions:
What are your thoughts about Vivica A. Fox Directing a BFM First Lady version on BET + with Judge Joe Brown as an executive producer?
I think having a female worldview to the story is great. However, I do not agree about putting a negative view of the situation or not approaching my spiritual husband, 50 Cent with an opportunity to participate.
Why would someone need 50 Cent’s permission to release a BMF Movie or Documentary?
50 Cent was the first person to bring the story of BMF to the commercial public. I used to work for MTV and have been a Freelance journalist since 1999. I never heard about BMF until 50 Cent released their story. He has created an audience and to piggyback off his success without including him is disrespectful. To challenge him without notifying him ahead of time is disrespectful.
Why do you feel it is disrespectful to release a BMF Movie or Documentary without speaking to 50 Cent?
We as black people should be united versus going against each other. I am annoyed with the culture of using black women to bash and exploit black men. We should be united and not always against one another. It’s self-hatred and degradation. I release music saying how much I love my husband, 50 Cent, and people call me crazy. I had many media outlets tell me if I had a negative slant on the story they would release it and make it go viral.
Let’s talk about your releases, tell us more about that.
Yaaaassss, enough negative energy on with positive energy! I have two releases “I’m the Mrs. 50 Cent, Wife of 50 Cent” by Mrs. 50 Cent. Dj Imarkkeyz produced the track he also had a hit remix of “Corona Virus” with Cardi B. “It’s real!” My second track is “Always Right Here” by Jess Fox. She is a former America’s Got Talent contestant, she is an international lyricist and singer who has performed at the White House and Good Morning America.
What are the meanings behind your releases?
They are dedicated to my spiritual husband 50 Cent aka King Kurt. We are approaching our third year of being spiritually married on April 23, 2020. It’s my public display of love to him.
Website: http://www.mrs50cent.com/
Linktree: http://www.linktr.ee/mrs50cent
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/mrs50centkweennwo
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/kimberlymsmtv
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