How to Print Custom Mylar Bags: A BRANDMYDISPO Guide



In the bustling world of custom packaging, Mylar bags stand out as stalwarts of both functionality and flair. If you’re aiming to elevate your brand’s presence, customizing these shiny champions with BRANDMYDISPO could be your gateway to not just preserving your products, but also presenting them in style. 

This guide will walk you through the intricacies of transforming a simple Mylar bag into a beacon of your brand identity, step by step, using the services of BRANDMYDISPO.

Crafting Standout Mylar Bags: A Tale of Two Printings

When it comes to making your products pop off the shelf, the packaging can be just as pivotal as what’s inside. Custom Mylar bags, with their brilliant sheen and superb barrier properties, are a prime canvas for your creativity. But the magic really happens in the printing process—where your design comes to life. Let’s unravel the artistry behind two popular printing methods for Mylar bags: digital and flexographic printing. We’ll explore each process, what sets them apart, and how to choose the perfect print type for your project’s needs.

Why Mylar Bags?

Mylar bags are more than just packaging; they’re a smart investment in your product’s quality and longevity. Known for their robust barrier properties, these bags protect against moisture, light, and air, ensuring that whatever is tucked inside stays fresher for longer. Whether you’re packaging coffee, cannabis, snacks, or even non-food items, Mylar bags can be the armor that shields your goods from environmental villains while also catching the eye of your consumers.

Before we jump into the printing processes, let’s pause and appreciate the Mylar bag. Renowned for keeping moisture, light, and air at bay, these bags ensure whatever treasures they hold—be it coffee, edibles, or health supplements—remain in peak condition. Now, how do we turn these protective custom pouches into stunning showcases of your brand? That’s where digital and flexographic printing come into play.

Digital Printing: The Art of Precision

What’s the Story?

Digital mylar bag printing is like painting with pixels, directly transferring your digital artwork onto the surface of the Mylar bag using electrostatic technology and heat to set the ink.

Why Go Digital?

  • Quick on the Draw: Setup is swift, making it ideal for those crunch-time projects.
  • Tailor-Made for the Niche: Perfect for small batches or custom mylar bag designs that change with the seasons.
  • Detail-Rich: Brings out the intricacies in designs, ensuring every tiny detail is just as you envisioned.
  • Flexibility in Features: Want to add unique codes or names? Digital printing mylar bags nods a big yes to customization.

Best for: If your brand thrives on limited editions or you’re just starting out, digital printing lets you experiment without the hefty investment.

Flexographic Printing: The Powerhouse of Production

What’s the Story?

Flexographic mylar bag printing uses flexible plates wrapped around cylinders that kiss the Mylar bag with ink. It’s a dance of machinery, perfect for decorating large batches of bags with consistent quality.

Why Go Flexo?

  • Economical at Scale: The more you print, the cheaper it gets.
  • A Jack of All Trades: Handles various inks and materials with ease.
  • Speed Demon: Churns out massive orders fast, keeping pace with high demand.
  • Durability for Days: The prints endure, making them suitable for products that need to look good on shelves for a long time.

Best for: Ideal for when your product hits it big and you need thousands of printed mylar bags, all looking spot-on.

Deciding Between Digital and Flexo

Design Dynamics: Got a complex logo or vibrant artwork? Digital captures complexity beautifully. Flexo is your friend for simpler, bold designs that repeat.

Budget Balancing: Digital cuts down on setup costs, making it accessible for startups. Flexo, with its upfront costs, becomes cost-effective as the numbers stack up.

Time Tactics: Need it yesterday? Digital delivers faster. If you can plan ahead, flexo’s initial slow setup pays off with speedy production later.

Choosing between digital and flexographic printing for your custom printed Mylar bags is more than a technical decision—it’s a strategic one. Whether you lean towards the meticulous detail of digital or the robust efficiency of flexo, each method offers unique advantages that can align with your vision and operational needs. 


Your choice will color how your product interacts with the world, turning simple packaging into a dynamic part of your brand’s story. So, consider carefully, print boldly, and let your custom Mylar bags do more than protect—they can also captivate.

Getting Started with BRANDMYDISPO

BRANDMYDISPO is a notable player in the realm of custom packaging solutions, offering a seamless blend of quality, creativity, and customer service. Here’s how you can get started:

1. Design Submission and Consultation

The journey to custom printed Mylar bags begins with a design. If you have a design team, collaborate closely to ensure that your vision and brand elements are precisely captured. If you’re starting from scratch, BRANDMYDISPO can come to the rescue with their design services. Submit your initial ideas and they will help refine them into a print-ready format.

2. Choosing the Right Bag

Selecting the right custom printed Mylar bag is crucial. BRANDMYDISPO offers a variety of sizes, colors, and types — from stand-up pouches to flat heat seal bags. Consider what suits your product best in terms of size, functionality, and shelf appeal.

3. Material Matters

Decide on the material thickness that will provide adequate protection for your products. BRANDMYDISPO’s Mylar bags typically range from 3.5 mil to 7 mil thicknesses, offering a balance between durability and cost-effectiveness.

4. Mockup and Approval

Once your mylar bag design is set, BRANDMYDISPO will create a digital mockup of your bag. This step is your window to tweak and fine-tune the design before it goes to print. Pay close attention to color reproduction, text placement, and overall layout — this is how your customers will see your brand.

5. Printing and Production

With your approval, the printing process begins. BRANDMYDISPO uses state-of-the-art printing technology to ensure that every hue pops and every line is crisp, reflecting your brand’s quality right on the custom mylar packaging.

6. Quality Check and Delivery

After printing, each batch undergoes a rigorous quality check to ensure that every custom printed mylar bag meets the high standards you expect. Once they pass inspection, your custom Mylar bags are packed and shipped directly to your doorstep.

Leveraging Your Custom Bags

Once you receive your printed Mylar bags, it’s time to fill them with your product and watch your brand come alive on the shelves. These custom packaging bags aren’t just containers; they’re a canvas that communicates your brand’s story and values.

Tips for Making the Most of Your Custom Mylar Bags:

  • Consistent Branding: Use your custom printed mylar bags as a part of a broader branding strategy. Ensure that your packaging consistently reflects your brand’s logo, colors, and messaging across all platforms.
  • Engage Socially: Share your new custom mylar packaging on social media. This not only showcases your product but also encourages your customers to share their purchases, amplifying your brand’s visibility.
  • Feedback Loop: Gather customer feedback on the custom mylar packaging. This can provide invaluable insights into user experience and areas for improvement in future packaging ventures.

Printed Mylar bags are more than just packaging solutions; they are a powerful tool in your marketing arsenal. With BRANDMYDISPO, you can craft these tools with precision, ensuring that every product you roll out carries a piece of your brand’s soul. 

From the design phase to the unboxing experience, these bags have the potential to transform how your customers perceive and interact with your products. So, embark on this journey of transformation, and let your brand shine through every detail with custom mylar bags!

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