Patrick Palmer’s Excellent Books About Caregiving

Miami, Florida, United States, 1st Sep 2022, King NewsWire, Patrick Palmer, a former pilot and YMCA CEO, started his writing journey out of compassion and as a way of healing. He had written some of the best books about caregiving and published them at a time when people needed such support. The best part about these books is that they don’t deny the reality of the task. They address the emotional upheaval it causes and offers practical advice on coping and managing it.
Mentioned below are their titles and their links:
- Are You Prepared to be a Caregiver?
- A Husband’s Guide to Hands-On Caregiving
- The Healing of a Caregiver
Each book addresses a different side of caregiving, providing family caregivers with the information and guidance to help them succeed. Additionally, they are effective because the knowledge within comes from experience.
In 2011, Patrick and his wife, Angela, received the devastating news that she was suffering from cancer and had six to twelve months. The announcement came as a shock and threw the couple into a problematic situation, pushing them to think about the emotional and practical effects of the revelation.
They understood that Patrick would need to become a full-time caregiver for Angela, a role he would be undertaking for the first time. This caregiving experience helped him realize the lack of good instruction material for new caregivers, especially when he struggled to cope with the challenges. Despite everything, he learned, managed, and did the best he could, allowing his wife to live for another five years before she passed away in 2015.
Angela’s passing was emotionally challenging for Patrick, but his friends and family helped him heal and recover. This recovery process is when he decided to pen down his experiences in the hopes that other family caregivers would have the support he didn’t.
As a caregiver, you’ll appreciate that Patrick has been honest throughout the guide. He has not understated or overstated the difficulty of any part of the process and suggested that people take their time to understand the new reality. Some incredible guidance about financial planning, self-care, communication, and the denial will help you explore your situation and plan.
Terminal illness diagnoses are painful for the patient and loved ones, and the book addresses this part of the journey in detail. It also provides some tips for connecting with your loved one to minimize disgruntlement that is bound to arise from the situation.
Furthermore, the book also mentions tips for organizing tasks, balancing careers, and coping with the intensity that often becomes overwhelming. The authenticity behind the explanations makes them the best books about caregiving. Caregivers can relate to the challenges because Patrick relied on his experience when preparing the helpful guides. Hence, the information is relevant and easy to follow, especially for people who are new to the role.
People can also visit his website to get more information about the author, books, and blogs. The website also allows you to reach out to Patrick directly to offer your feedback about his books or ask questions about the caregiving journey. He welcomes interaction with his readers and loves to provide them guidance or listen to their perspectives.
Media Contact
Organization: Patrick Palmer
Contact Person: Patrick Palmer
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Phone: (617) 803-7230
State: Florida
City: Miami
Country: United States