Rock Garage Door Unveils 7 Essential Garage Door Safety Tips for Los Angeles Families

United States, 8th Aug 2024, King NewsWire – While modern garage doors are now equipped with various security features, parents still need to be vigilant when it comes to young children being around the garage. We recommend having a garage door safety checklist that will prevent accidents and even an emergency trip to the hospital.
Below, we discussed a few garage door safety tips should families in Los Angeles should know about. Keep reading to see how you can protect your kids from possible injuries.
Garage door security tips for families with young kids
Given the number of accidents and even deaths of young children due to garage door-related accidents, Los Angeles garage safety for families is a crucial topic. Here are some of the things you can start doing at home:
1. Childproof your garage door
First off, you should childproof your garage door to minimize the risk of accidents. You should install door guards to prevent kids from opening the door and make sure they won’t get their hands on the door’s remote control if there’s any. And above all, you should use rubber seals to plug the gaps between the door panels – your kid’s tiny fingers will thank you!
2. Invest in garage door safety features
This includes installing an automatic reverse feature in garage doors and garage door motion detectors. And if your kids have a habit of pressing the wall button, it might be time to integrate a rolling code technology for garage doors so they won’t sneak in and open the door by themselves. You can simply contact a Los Angeles garage door repair expert to install all of these in your home.
3. Install a garage door alarm
A garage door will be a big help for your efforts to improve garage door safety in Los Angeles. The alarm will set off once someone tries to open the door, which includes your curious child. This way, you can get to the garage door right away and prevent any possible accidents.
Also, you should perform monthly garage door sensor maintenance to ensure its reliability.
4. Don’t leave kids unsupervised in the garage
This has always been one of LA family garage door best practices we emphasize to everyone. Always keep an eye to your kids whenever they are in the garage, especially when you’re opening or closing the door. We’ve seen videos of kids hanging on door panel as it opens or tries to get under it as it closes, which can both lead to injuries.
5. Educate your family
As part of Los Angeles residential garage safety, you should sit down with your family and talk about the dos and don’ts of using the garage door. Make sure your kids understand the dangers of playing on the door’s features, including keeping their fingers off the panels, not opening the door when no adult is around, and so on.
6. Don’t forget about your pets
Pets are like kids, too, and they can get hurt just the same when you don’t keep an eye on them in the garage. Sometimes, your cat or dog may follow you into the garage and go unnoticed until they are stuck under the door. As much as possible, don’t let your pets have free reign in the garage, as both the door and your vehicle can bring them harm.
7. Know how to respond to emergencies
If an accident happens, you should know how to handle your garage door to mitigate the situation. For example, you should know how where the garage door emergency is released so you can lift the door manually when someone gets stuck underneath.
At the same time, you should be aware of your garage door opener safety features. This way, you’ll know how to reverse, release, or unlock the door as needed.
Improve garage door safety with the help of professionals!
Los Angeles families’ garage door safety doesn’t have to be complicated. With the help of licensed professionals like RockGarageDoorRepair company, you can get the latest security features to keep your children, pets, and entire family safe.
Also, Rock Garage Door Repair provides 24/7, so you can get your door repaired as the problems arise. This way, you won’t leave a malfunctioning garage door sitting and waiting for your curious child to discover. Above all, the expertise of a licensed garage door technician will give you and your family peace of mind.
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