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Craft the Perfect Press Release: AP Style Format for U.S. Businesses

If a company wants to attract more people towards their brand, announce important developments, they need a well-written press release. If you want media outlets to take your press release seriously and consider it as a professional element, whether its announcing a new product launch, a big event, or a significant collaboration, you must follow the press release format AP Style.

press release format AP Style

press release format AP Style

U.S companies can find detailed instruction for drafting an AP style press release in this article. From outlining the release’s structure to formatting details, every step will help you craft a captivating and newsworthy press release.

Importance of AP Style for Press Releases

When it comes to style guides, journalists and media always refer to the AP stylebook. If you want your press release to be professional, easy to read, and clear, follow its rules. Writing press release format AP style improves its chances of being picked up by media outlets without considerable editing. This is because many journalists use this format to standardize their work.

By adhering to AP style’s guidelines for use, your press release will come across as well-written and expert. Using this format shows that your business is considerate of the media’s time and knows how they operate.

Format for Press Releases in AP Styles

The standard style for a press release is designed to help journalists rapidly grasp the key points. Such as: 

  • Headline

The headline is the most important component of a press release. To grab the reader’s attention immediately, it must be simple, to the point, and interesting. It should be written according to AP style such as big words should be capitalized and little terms like ‘the’, ‘of’ and ‘and’ should be in lower case unless they are the first words.

  • Dateline

The first paragraph of the press release should have a dateline, which includes, the place of news taking place, date of release and mm/dd//yy format. 

  • First Paragraph

The first or leading paragraph should include what, when, where, who and how of the press release in the first 2 3 lines. It makes sure that the main point of the press release is conveyed to the reader. 

  • Main Paragraph

It should have supplementary facts, quotations, and specifics in the main body of your press release to back up the content. Follow the inverted pyramid format, which places the least important data at the bottom and the most significant ones at the top. Keep the paragraphs to a minimum of two or three lines making it easier to read.

  • Boilerplate

It is the last paragraph which gives information about the company’s activities, goals, and any other details which may be summarized in this section.

  • Contact Information

Ensure the press release includes the contact details of an individual within your organization who can respond to questions from the media at the very end. 

Components For AP Style Press Releases

Proper formatting is just as crucial as the press release’s structure for ensuring professionalism and clarity. Following are the most important guidelines for writing a press release format AP style.

  • Numbers

The AP style recommends using numerals for numbers 1-10, for e.g write number 3 as ‘three’.

  • Time

Time is marked using lowercase letters and periods according to AP style, like a.m or p.m.

  • Date

When writing press releases in AP style, shorten months with six letters like ‘Jan’ instead of January; however, months with four letters can remain the same. Do not include ‘th’ or ‘rd’ or any other ordinal number in a date.

  • Title 

When a formal letter comes before a person’s name, capitalize it. When it comes after the name, keep it lowercase.

  • Hyphenation

To minimize the confusion, AP style often uses hyphens. In a place of “company is well known”, use “well-known company”.

  • Acronyms

When using acronyms, spell them out first, put them in brackets, and then use them again when mentioning them. For e.g ‘The Associated Press Style (AP) style is easier to use in press releases.


The ideal press release is a product of meticulous planning, careful consideration of all relevant factors and unwavering dedication to professionalism. Companies in the U.S may reach a wider audience and adhere to journalistic standards by using the press releases format AP style. A well-crafted press release has the potential to increase awareness of your company and convey important information.

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